Adventures ahoy...


Monday, January 31, 2011

Folding over.

Yesterday was not a good day for mommy to say the least. After yesterday, today was a better success!
Madison went to Kindermusik today and loved it. Everyone missed her since she was sick and exposing other little ones to illness isn't the best idea. She was pretty snuggly with me in class staying close by and letting mommy hold her when doing the activities that required her to sit still. After class, she took a nap in the car as we ran errands!

When we got home, the little one was ready for play. My little babe is such a little explorer, she's been holding onto the coffee table and just cruising around there. Sheree, my neighbor gave me a walker for Madison. She's been using it like crazy and I'm guessing in no time, she'll be walking around before her first birthday.

Speaking of her first birthday, I'm planning two parties, I know crazy There is one in Tacoma and one in Woodinville. I didn't think about how much work it is going to be with school and coordinating with the grandparents. One will be with family (Tacoma) and Woodinville with friends. I hope it all turns out well, so far it's just trying to figure out what to do, who to invite, and everything in between. There is so much to do in such little time, I need to remember to breathe through it all.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


It's just one of those days for me as a mom where I just don't feel up to being upbeat and perky. I have an overwhelming feeling of sadness from everything that has built up in the past few weeks of stress. Just thinking about my relationship and how it's changed hurts my heart. I just feel like a single parent all the time even when he is in the same room, he doesn't help out at all.. I can't do things I want to do because I know he doesn't want to watch Madison so I can get things done and just have some "me" time.My friend Emily got me a gift certificate on Madison's birthday to go get a massage and I have yet to redeem it. Lately the stress of school and taking care of baby has left me with this overwhelming feeling and left me feeling dried out. I need help with Madison and no one is there to help me. I know his parents will help me, but I don't want to ask them all the time, I wish my parents lived closer because I know they would help out with watching Madison. Life is just overwhelming for me and I feel like I'm trapped in the corner with no one on my side.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cold season.

Madison has caught a little cold. We've been feeding her, but her appetite doesn't seem so big since she has been sick. I've been giving her nightly bubble baths and rubbing her chest with baby vicks (I love the smell of that stuff). She's been taking medicine every six hours or so. And she's been going through boxes and boxes of kleenex. I feel like I've been doing everything right, but she doesn't seem to be getting better, but worse. I wish I could take away her cold so she doesn't have to suffer. Her sleep cycle has just gotten worse with the cold. She has been sleeping in later until ten, and going to bed almost as late as midnight. Plus the amount of times she's been waking in the middle of the night has been five plus times.
Tonight was no different, she fought the sleep with the lack of naps taken today. Madison was given a lovely warm bath with her bath toys which she loved. I rubbed her chest with baby vicks and put her in pajamas then nursed her in hopes it would put her to sleep around 8. Instead she just wanted to seem to play with mommy, but I couldn't since I had to take my sociology quiz before nine. Surprisingly I did well with Madison playing around me. I gave in tonight after an hour of trying to get her to sleep by nursing. The crying out method was put to use and it was heart breaking again for me, I feel like that method might have to be used unless I can figure out what to do to get her to bed sooner so here I go turning to my readers! I need advice on how to get baby to sleep early and a simple one that her dad can do when I have class until 9 two days a week. So any advice mamas for a mama wanting some time to relaxing in the evening?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cry it out.

Last night was a rough night for Madison. She barely went down for a nap throughout the whole day, she probably slept for twenty minutes at most. I started getting her ready for bed around 7 and she seemed pretty tired as we played endlessly for the next two hours. As 9 approached which is her normal bedtime, she rubbing her eyes and cuddling into her favorite blanket which means she is sleepy and ready for bed. As I tried nursing her to sleep like I usually do, Madison just kept on fighting it and me as well. She just kept on fighting me by pulling away. I took her to the bedroom where it was more calming with no lights and she still wouldn't nurse so I turned to my last resort: crying it out. For all you readers, crying it out means putting your child in their crib and letting them cry it out until they get restless and finally end up falling asleep. It's one of the methods I told myself I wouldn't do as a mom, but there was nothing I could do to keep her happy so it was my last resort. She cried it out for a few, but it seemed like an hour for me. She finally stopped crying after ten minutes, but I just felt like a horrible mother for doing that.
Does anyone have advice on what to do when your baby isn't wanting to fall asleep after a long day? I know I need to start weaning her soon from breastfeeding which is sounding scarier just by the thought. The whole sleep training sounds like a train wreck just waiting to happen and I most definitely am nervous about it!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hello 2011.

This year has been crazy and it's only been 11 days :)
Our hectic lives are once again filled with kindermusik, back to school trying to find time to study and have a social  life with study groups, mommy/baby group meetings, and play dates plus spending time with Jon and making time for us as a couple which is much harder to do than say. I don't do new years resolutions, but I decided to set one up for myself even with everything going on! So instead of the normal resolution that is the most common which is to lose weight, I find myself wanting to do the opposite: gain weight! Yes I know, gaining weight sounds like a sin, but I'll explain. Since I'm breastfeeding, I find that I'm still eating for two. I eat..a lot! So trust me when I say I feel the need to feel healthy as well as looking healthy by taking care of myself. Currently I am  at 98 lbs (12 lbs under) my pre-pregnancy weight which is not good, I feel like a skeleton and I don't like that feeling. So what am I planning to get to my healthy weight you may ask?
Well I'm going to eat even more than a do, healthy well not so much sugar, but food with substance that will help me gain good weight that will stay for the long haul (I hope). I also I plan on working out whether it's cardio or yoga, whatever I can do with a baby around unless I get a YMCA pass where they will watch Madison for me, but I'll have to figure that out since it will cost moo-lah. Last year I got some vouchers to go work out at some places so we will definitely be using them!
I was wondering what you are planning on doing for your new years resolution? Let me know, maybe I can help out?! Who knows!

But I hear my little one waking from her sleep, so I should head to bed :)

Good night!