Adventures ahoy...


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

                                                       Merry Christmas everyone!

As the holiday comes to an end, I can't help but feel happy for Madison and her first time experiencing Santa, presents, and all the joy of Christmas! We went to Jon's parents house early at 9 am and ate delicious fresh crossaints from Pike Place with fresh berries (yum)! We opened gifts and it took over an hour, Madison seemed more interested in the wrapping paper than any of her toys she received.Overall, she seemed to love all her gifts with the exception of her new tickle-me-elmo! She was frightened of him because of his laughter, I felt bad because I couldn't do anything about it except hide it from her to calm her down. I hope she will eventually like it, let's hope. I even got a surprise gift from Jon-a new laptop :) It was such a surprise, I didn't know what to say after, but I'm loving it and can't wait to have skype dates with friends and family. After gifts we headed home and decided to head down to Tacoma. Madison slept right through it all because she was so exhausted from getting gifts with Jon's family.

Once we got down, we opened more presents with my family. Madison loved it once again especially all the wonderful jackets she received. She will never be a naked baby that's for sure! We went out to my Aunt's house to reunite with family and lifelong friends I've grown up with. It is so weird to see everyone all grown up and all older than the last time we reunited which was many moons ago! Madison loved seeing her many "aunties." This has been a great Christmas by far and I can't wait for Madison's next Christmas when she will open even more gifts I'm sure.

Happy holidays everyone and I hope you all had a memorable and wonderful day!

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