Adventures ahoy...


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Biting baby.

Lately Madison has been teething and for me, it's been tolerable until recently. She's been biting me when nursing and it hurts (badly)! I don't know how to stop her from it, but she finds it funny and just laughs. She also is developing a habit of biting me or anyone for that mater, when she is being held by someone. She has bitten me on my arm and shoulder, there was a close call on the neck but I was able to move her in time. How do you stop a baby of this habit so it doesn't get worse? Any suggestions?


  1. So so so many of my friends are going through this right now! The best advice I have heard (that works) is to keep something with you that is OK to bite (teether, rubber toy, whatever) and anytime she bites pull her away and give her that. Let her know that it is OK to bite _____ but not Mama or anyone else. Tell her it hurts and don't continue nursing if it happens. Evey one I have talked to just said to be as consistent as possible and that eventually it works.
    Good luck Mama!

  2. ps. I mean don't continue that nursing session- not across the board! Keep nursing, just stop and wait awhile if she bites.
