Adventures ahoy...


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wedding Date.

This past Thursday, I went to a wedding with my little family, Jon and Madison. The wedding was held in Bellevue. It was for Jon's friend, Derek and his wife (now) Lauren. I've never  met Lauren until the reception and she was really nice, she's expecting a girl in December/January time so she had a bump, it was a cute bump. Madison wore a beautiful rose velvet dress with stockings (thank you Sharon and Chelsea) and rocked a off white headband! She handled the wedding ceremony very well up until the end when she was laughing and talking because Pam (Jon's best friends mom) was behind her making faces. I ended up walking around until the end and once the reception began, Madison was talking like crazy! She was passed around and shown off by all the moms and the "wannabe" grandmas (the ones where their kids  don't want to have children at the moment). It was great to see Jon's friends and people that I've gotten to consider family since I've been with Jon. She loved everything going on, the people, the lights. She definitely didn't want to sleep, but ended up fighting it up until we left around ten. It was a fun wedding, I'll always remember since it was my first with my family minus the cats :)

I know Jon and I have been together for over three years now, but it was official in my mind when we went to the wedding. It might sound weird to you, but I always think once you go to a wedding with your boyfriend, your official. It seemed like that in all the lifetime movies that attending a wedding was always part of initiation. So I guess to say, Jon and I are official in my mind makes me happy :)

Here is a picture of us at the wedding :)

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