Adventures ahoy...


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring break: so much to do, such little time!

So it's official as of Thursday at 9 pm, I was on spring break! I'm relieved to be done with the quarter especially a&p, but to me a week off is just not enough time to rest and spend time with Madison and my family and friends!

 So far on my agenda for the break not in any particular order:
-a trip planned to Bellingham this coming Tuesday to visit my sister and see friends, I'm super excited for this trip!
-a trip home to see my parentals for a day or two so I can relax some while they enjoy the company of Madison!
-update photos and finally transferring photos to my computer!
-plan a lunch date with my grandpa to catch up on his recent trip to NY with my sister
-a girls night out with friends from my anatomy class which I'm super excited for!
-many walks at the park with Madison on the non-rainy days!
-working out and getting my eating habits to be better instead of eating junk
-relaxing and spending time with my family
-spring cleaning of the apartment inside out before life gets crazy again!
-meet up with friends locally and catch up :)
-a date night possibly with Jon???
-using my coupon from Emily that I got over a year ago for a massage that is well deserved!

I plan on accomplishing all these goals, but in just a week of my spring break seems too short!
Well ready set go, Madison and I are ready to check each one off the list :)

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