Adventures ahoy...


Thursday, May 17, 2012

HUGE life changes...

I know having a baby is a huge life changer, but nothing compares to leaving someone you loved. The past few days I have made the decision to leave Madison's dad. Yes we have been together for almost 5 years, but as of lately he's been emotionally and verbally abusive to the point where I'm scared to be around him. It's a long story of what happened, and I hope to write about it one day without crying as I type, but for now, I'm busy making plans for Madison and I together to leave him. I'm scared and petrified of the next step of life without him or anyone by my side, but I'm ready. I thought I wouldn't be strong enough, but having my family and friends support my decision and reassure me that things will be okay has made me feel better about the matter. Yes, I do still cry on a daily basis, but the tears are becoming less and less, and it's more determination of getting out at this point. So, I'll keep updating on here with my process, but I don't plan on telling him until everything is in place so please keep me in your prayers as I take the journey of becoming a single mom in hand.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Belated times...

I've been so behind on posting here, I haven't had time this quarter with making weekly post. I think it's to say that I can't keep up on blogging with the heavy science classes I'm taking, so I can't promise postings on here too often, but if I can post I will! Spring break starts tomorrow for me as of 11:30 am so I will finally upload pics from Madison's 2nd birthday party and what she's been up too as an adventurous toddler!
