Taken 3 days before Madison was born! |
My last belly pic before Madison popped out! |
Wow I survived my first year of motherhood! To say that already is overwhelming for me. Jon and I survived parenthood for the first whole year. Through it all, I'm so glad we did go through everything we did to get to where we are.
I'm honestly so proud that I've been able to nurse Madison for her first whole year! No formula, nothing but Mama's milk. Now I have to figure out when to wean her away and switch to regular milk.
I can't believe this time last year I was sitting at home with Jon and we were just having a conversation about how anxious we were with having to wait another 2 weeks. I think someone overheard because Madison arrived the next morning! It's been such a crazy year with a baby and going back to school, but I've learned so much from this past year on love. Madison has taught me a new kind of love that is indescribable until you experience it. It's not the fall in love type of love, but more the first time you love something that is always going to love you back. That's the kind of love Madison has given me.
Thank you Madison for all the lessons of love you have taught me, I love you baby girl.
Happy 1st Birthday Madison.